About Urls Up
Urls Up is a convenient tool for saving and retrieving links. Sometimes, saving links in your browser isn't the best option because they can be visible to other users on the same computer. With Urls Up, you can easily remember the short domain name (urlsup.com) and access your saved links from any device, such as another PC, mobile phone, or PC stick.
How It Works
To save one or more links, you don't need to register. Just use a username. For example, if someone saves the link http://www.google.com with the username "Jhon," they can retrieve it on another device by entering "Jhon" in the search bar on urlsup.com.
Organizing Links
If you want to organize your links and find them more easily, you can add a natural text description and/or tags (keywords) within the description. There's no need to separate them with commas. For example, if Jhon wants to group links to pet accessory pages, he can save those links with the username "JhonPets." Alternatively, he can use the username "Jhon" and add the word "pets" in the description to group pet-related links.
Username Tips
One downside of saving links with a username without a password is that if your username is very popular, like "Jhon," other people can add and delete links to the "Jhon" account. In this case, it's better to use a less obvious username, like "JhonSmithPets85," which is harder for others to guess. Since the page doesn't ask for a password or any other user data, there are no privacy concerns.
When you want to open a link on another device, using standard messaging programs isn't always viable because they may not work correctly most of the time. With Urls Up, you can save the link in seconds by pasting the link and typing your username. Then, on the other device, open urlsup.com, enter your username, and you'll have the link.
Upcoming Features
Urls Up will soon offer additional features like generating a QR code for the URL and a link shortener.